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Where Wild Women Rise & Thrive

I work with humans who identify as:

Visionaires, change-makers, thoughtleaders, non-profit organizers, activists

Our mission is to deeper integrate spiritual activism into your work and expand your receiving capacity in love, life, & money so that you can sustainably expand your social impact, soulful love, and regenerative wealth. 

Spiritual entrepreneurs, artists, witches, guides, somatic/wellness coaches, health care providers

I serve as a trauma-informed somatic & guide, teacher, coach, and mentor through a decolonial anti-oppressive spiritual framework to support space-holders & creatives in expanding the power of your art/work with greater care for yourself and our siblings of diverse color and background.

Co-create a life that turns you on in the journey of unlearning toxic capitalist, patriarchal, colonial programming and rising into your wild, wealthy, woman.

Heart-centered humans desiring to disrupt and dismantle harmful oppressive systems that live in the body and reclaim divine feminine power to soften & open into embodied liberation. 

Healers of generational, transgenerational, or  ancestral trauma 

Free your body of the old identities, stories, beliefs, and attachments and own your power to consciously co-create life in alignment with your highest desires. I guide your awakening & reclamation through deep somatic healing, nervous system rewiring, and spiritual embodiment work. 

Private Mentorship

12 months or immersions of deep somatic/ancestral healing, radical evolution, & powerful reclamation in spiritual & feminine energetics of love, wealth, & embodied leadership.

I treat my 1:1 clients like Queen sisters of the highest regard and pour my heart & soul into your deepest healing, powerful alchemization, and radical reclamation of who you get to be beyond the fears, doubts, insecurities, unhealthy patterns, trauma responses, mental constructs, blocked energy, & social conditioning that have fooled you into be-ing anything less than your turned on, magnetic wild woman & empowered leader dripping in your magic & wealth.

I equip you with the tools, resources, wisdom, guidance, and energetics/nervous system calibration for you to rise into who you’ve always been, a powerful leader creating your dream life on purpose and in pleasure. (Custom Containers Available)

The Sanctuary

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The juiciest membership on the internet. Your living, breathing, regenerative eco-system designed to sustainably nourish your expansive growth in love, leadership, and wealth, while holding you in sacred sisterhood. 

A powerful, courageous sacred space for leaders & creatives to reclaim your wildest unapologetic feminine expression... for your body to open, soften, expand, & receive with more pleasure... 

Where your UNTAMED woman gets to be free, sexy, edgy, unconventional, & decolonized from oppressive normalized standards and liberated back to the ancient wilds of bare, raw, primal heart & truth as your love deepens, your leadership strengthens, your impact expands, & your wealth grows.

This is where you calibrate to your juiciest levels of receiving, be-ing, & leading in divine love, embodied leadership, and liberated wealth with consistency, devotion, accountability, & courage.  

Embodied Alchemy

A potent 4 week expansion portal of ancient, primal, raw, deep medicine & reclamation through the moon cycle.

This sacred energetic alchemy program us for the wombyn, healer, mystic, witch, or medicine womxn, desiring to open yourself to juicy divine feminine magic to clear and transmute heavy, dense, or sticky energy from your body & system into softness, freedom, pleasure & spaciousness.


When you’re ready to ALCHEMIZE the pain, grief, judgement, shame, rage, & sadness into clarity, wisdom, wealth, pleasure & liberation.

Through the moon cycle, coming soon.

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Deepen & Expand Mastermind

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Deepen & Expand is for you to CALIBRATE your nervous system to HOLDING MORE of your power in love, money, & embodied leadership... with pleasure 🫦

This mastermind is for you to show up as the DEVOTED WILD, WEALTHY, WOMAN expanding your soma into a higher baseline of juicy, wild, overflow in your love, wealth, & leadership.

Ancestral Healing. De-colonization. Liberated Wealth for the Overflowing Leader.

Communal Love



I facilitate, teach, and speak in events, retreats, trainings, and programs to provide a nuanced depth of education and wisdom in the realms of embodied social activism and liberation work.and consultation work is rooted in embodied social justice & liberation work. I support group/collective healing and transformation through an anti-oppressive de-colonization framework, heart-centered approach, and spiritual mindfulness practice with a decade of experience. I offer in person or virtual facilitation and consultation working within companies, institutions, non-profits, conferences, or festivals.

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